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Diversity and Inclusion

Looking for a specialist Diversity and Inclusion training provider?

Here, at Altura Learning, we provide social care companies with access to specialist Diversity and Inclusion Care Training Courses.

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Discover more of our content on Diversity and Inclusion

  • Every individual you interact with has their own unique set of values, beliefs and traditions, shaped by their cultural and […]

  • Culturally inclusive care and support can be described as being responsive and sensitive to the beliefs, conventions and needs that may be determined by a person's cultural heritage. 

    It’s possible that individuals in your care who are from different cultures, or speak a language other than English, may have a different lived experience of the pandemic compared to their peers. 

    But culture isn’t just a person’s religion or beliefs, it can include other things such as a person’s gender identity, sexuality and education level. 


  • Every individual you interact with has their own unique set of values, beliefs and traditions, shaped by their cultural and […]