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Altura are excellent. Training uptake amongst carers is fantastic, and the range of courses is very impressive!
Nish Thakerar

Altura Learning are excellent. Training uptake amongst carers is fantastic, and the range of courses is very impressive!
Nish Thakerar
Care Plus Homes

Altura Learning makes delivering training easier. I can assign training to staff when required and use their resources to support in-house training. Staff can also complete any further training they feel they require to support them in their roles. I can also monitor how staff are doing with training and if some staff are finding it difficult then assign them the extension activities. Altura Learning is a great additional tool for our training department.
Kayleigh Sheehan
Training Coordinator Manor Community

We’ve now added about 60 training modules like stoma care, epilepsy, and looking after someone who has had a stroke. These aren’t mandatory as a company, but a particular service might want to make it compulsory for their team. It’s given us so much more choice and flexibility and staff have been able to expand their knowledge. It was about changing the culture to embed learning and development at the heart of what we do.
Jess Henry
Head of OD and Learning and Development Somerset Care

My Dad has Parkinson’s disease. I told the staff that he could not smile. After watching the programme I now know that even a simple twitch of his lips means he is smiling at me. This has made me rethink. Thanks to Altura Learning I understand the condition and my relationship with dad is better.
Relative of service user

Altura Learning provides our incredible teams with access to learning that is high quality, accurate, visual-based learning. Our teams always have taken away learning to put in to practice from all the courses and their feedback has been really positive.
Miriam Beastall
Mariposa Care

We’ve really embraced the Bridge LMS and made it our own. We’re looking forward to executing the roadshows and sharing our new knowledge of Bridge and the training we’ve received from Altura Learning. We now have a wealth of best practice learning material at our fingertips. Initial feedback from our employees who have started using the platform has been very positive. One lady, who had been seriously considering giving up work because she couldn’t cope with technology, has now completed 100% of her training and has thoroughly enjoyed it; she’s telling everyone about it!
Jess Henry
Head of OD and Learning and Development Somerset Care

As I am the Training Officer for over 350 people, Altura Learning offered our company a way forward to be certain that all of the staff were compliant with the mandatory training needed to work in the care sector.
It has proved to be such a simple, but effective way of training.
Pamela Harding
Training Officer Fairways Care Ltd

Using Altura Learning has meant that staff have the freedom to complete training when they are able to and managers can monitor it closely, knowing that their staff are being trained to a high competency level. The system is easy to use and the range of courses is vast which gives us so many options.
Victoria Stone
Pilgrims' Friend Society

What our customers have to say...

As a company, Fairways Care Ltd have been using Altura since April 2018, having signed a second contract earlier this year to continue for another 2 years.
The amount of courses you purchase is entirely up to you, there is a quite in-depth list to choose from, all have a training video to watch with multiple-choice questions at the end, these come with a printable certificate, once you have passed the course.
Pamela Harding
Training Officer Fairways Care Ltd

Watching the learning channels with real people in the programme makes the training come to life
Care Assistant Bradford Metropolitan District Council

My Dad has Parkinson’s disease. I told the staff that he could not smile. After watching the programme I now know that even a simple twitch of his lips means he is smiling at me. This has made me rethink. Thanks to Altura Learning I understand the condition and my relationship with dad is better.
Relative of service user

The authoring option within the system also has a big benefit as this enables us to create our own tailored learning and development solutions to meet the specific needs of our teams.

I have had the great pleasure of working with this professional team on several projects over a number of years. The end product has always been of the highest quality and a great contribution to the education of health care staff.
Linda Starr
Education Consultant

The new LMS looks fresh and offers intuitive usability. It has lots of great new reporting and administration functions that we had been seeking from the old ACC online system.
Kyra Moss
Chief People and Culture Officer Home Nursing Group

Altura Learning has proved particularly useful for our employees who work out in the community and within the homes of our customers. The video based learning is a great way to show good practice but also demonstrate bad practice that should be avoided.

The real-life scenarios in the films make them engaging and stimulating and having had the opportunity to work alongside Altura Learning to produce two films makes our team feel valued for their contribution to the wider sector.
Jo Rose
Head of People Development WCS Care

We rely on Altura modules for all our Orientation training as well as our mandatory annual training. This combined with face to face sessions, provide us with the confidence that staff have the right resources at hand, as and when needed.

Altura are excellent. Training uptake amongst carers is fantastic, and the range of courses is very impressive!
Nish Thakerar

Outlook Care has had the pleasure of working with Altura Learning to provide online learning to our organisation for some time. The suite of courses provided is well-received amongst our staff as being easy to navigate and for the high-quality informative content which further encourages staff to learn towards their personal development.
The platform is fresh looking and very relevant to our needs.
Janice Fenner
Outlook Care

As a professional provider in care, we at Radis look for high standards and quality when it comes to investing in external training providers. Over the past several years, we have and continue to work with Altura as a key provider of high standards and quality in our on-line learning and development for our staff.
Vincent Carylon
Radis Community Care

Altura has been a great investment for us an organisation to provide learning and development options for staff at a time that is most suitable to our staff.
Laura Wolstenholme
Persona Care and Support Limited

Altura Learning provides our incredible teams with access to learning that is high quality, accurate, visual-based learning. Our teams always have taken away learning to put in to practice from all the courses and their feedback has been really positive.
Miriam Beastall
Mariposa Care

Using Altura Learning has meant that staff have the freedom to complete training when they are able to and managers can monitor it closely, knowing that their staff are being trained to a high competency level. The system is easy to use and the range of courses is vast which gives us so many options.
Victoria Stone
Pilgrims' Friend Society

We have found the new Altura Learning system very adaptable and dynamic especially during this pandemic where we have been unable to get face to face trainers in, the online system has helped us keep our staff’s training up to date

Working with Altura Learning to produce valuable content for their care providers was a true pleasure. Their team are extremely organised, professional and the end result – the video – was of exceptional quality. I’d recommend them to care providers and their teams because they ensure that their content is valuable, useful and congruent with what is needed in the current social context. They also ensure that the digital end product is a great educational resource which can form a valuable part of a companies library of educational resources.
Delia Mccabe
Subject Matter Expert Lighter Brighter You

Our partnership has allowed Altura Learning to build and deliver a unique offering in the health & social care market. Their extensive video course library built natively into the Bridge platform delivers training to over 50,000 learners and continues to grow.
Melissa Loble
VP & Professional Service Instructure

With exceptional communication and dedicated customer service, we have found Altura to be nothing short of highly professional, in their flexible approach and outstanding quality products to meet our needs and we continue to look forward to working with the Altura team in future years to come, thank you Altura!
Carlyon Radis Community Care

The Support Team are always there to help 24/7, even on Bank Holidays, the learner can contact them very easily via ‘chat’, telephone or email, my personal preference is ‘chat’, it is quick and you are 99.9% guaranteed for the query to be solved then and there.
Pamela Harding
Training Officer Fairways Care Ltd