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Safeguarding: Adults at Risks
April 15, 2019 | Altura Blog
It’s estimated that 1 in 6 older people will be the victim of elder abuse and that figure is predicted to rise as the proportion of older people increases. Abuse may be perpetrated by family, friends or carers and can cause substantial physical and psychological harm to the older person.
Altura Learning has produced this course to empower people who work in a residential care setting to recognise the different types of abuse and how to safeguard people who are receiving support.
The most common types of abuse is presented through the use of scenarios to engage staff and also so to support their learning with the types of occurrences they may encounter. This video includes an emphasis on reducing behaviour that can lead to abuse.
As always, the course is supported by a suite of learning resources. Our Essential Assessment ensures that staff are able to demonstrate that they understand the information presented and our more advanced assessments indicate if staff can extrapolate the knowledge gained from the course and apply it in real work situations.
Target Audience: RN, EN, Care Workers, Management
Course name: Safeguarding: Vulnerable Adults
Course Code: AOC17022RUK
Country: UK and IRE
ResHCLD: Residential and Learning Disabilities
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